It's becoming more of a costume party than a fashion show today, isn't it? Here's Nicky, modelling a wannabe eye-patch. It's the worlds first ever D&G pirate. There's way too much going on with the shirt, even if it probably is designer. Go to K-Mart, lad, pick out a pair of $20 jeans, a $15 singlet, and for gods sake get your hair out of your eyes. You look like two mismatched socks in a dryer.

It's okay to be casual when you're sitting on the couch watching TV. There are, however, a few provisos. First of all: if you hate each other as those defensives positions clearly show, dress well. This will make the others jealous. A badly-fitting polo shirt, a shapeless jumper, and a black shirt that looks like it was skinned off a rabbit's arse do not make your friends jealous. Floppy hair, also, went out with the plague. Also, try not to look like you're throwing up. This is not attractive.
Now, for some reason, my computer has just refused to upload any more pictures, hence the briefness of this entry. If we can reconcile, I will upload the last couple of fashion disasters later today. If we decide that this problem cannot be reconciled, I may have to leave this as it is. I'm sorry, children, it's never nice to see mummy and daddy argue. But just remember all the good times we've had.
*kicks computer*
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