Well, here comes the real truth. David Beckham, you are accused of stealing your glamourous new looks from one, Nicholas Byrne. He was a football player who became a singer. You are a football player who married a... male stick insect that can mime to a backing track.
You stealing, theiving cad. Oh no, don't deny it. Here's the evidence:

...until I saw this! How many times did you watch the 'Tonight' video clip, David? Did it satisfy your need for cool new hair? Did you buy the Greatest Hits DVD, just to make sure you got it right? Well, you didn't get it right. Shame on you.
The swoopy fringe is a trademark, sir! A trademark! You do realise you're infringing copyright law?
Now this one I'll never understand! Did you possibly think you could get away with pilfering a hairstyle as unique as this one? The angular fringe? Undeniable! It's absolutely blatant theivery.
But it wasn't enough for you, was it? Did you have to fulfil your quota of hairstyle changes for the month? Now you have to go and steal from that poor young Mark Feehily as well!
...actually, you can have that one. That kind of haircut could do psychological damage to Mark's fans, and we don't want that, do we sir? Not after you've traumatised Nicky's fans already?
I sentence you to a lifetime with cornrows. At least that style was original.
I found the beckham shots online, but I've got about... oh... 250 photos of Nicky on my computer, so I just did some quick cutting and pasting.
Yeah, but how good is Nicky at free kicks? Crosses from right field? Corners? Huh? Answer me that.
And didn't they both just copy Brad Pitt?
Nicky was a goalie for Leeds Utd Jrs before he joined Westlife. He could've made Leeds, but he got booted out when he was 18 cos his coach said he was too short.
Fucking good player though. That's why Westlife always win Soccer 6, cos Nicky won't let the other team get the ball in.
Brad Pitt... Nope. Have you EVER seen Brad Pitt with a swoopy fringe? I think not.
1. Yeah, but...Leeds?
2. Brad and Gwyneth Paltrow had matching swoopy fringes in 1997:
Your move.
1. True. Fair play to you.
2. OMG, the horror! WHY, Brad? WHY?
It's cos he wants Brad's hair.
Does EVERYONE have to copy Nicky's hairstyle?! Honestly boys, ca't you just be original?
Nice one :-)
Can't fucking wait for that movie! I've been waiting too long already!
I do have Brad's hair. I just keep forgetting to put it on in the morning.
And Spacey's been copping my moves since Seven.
Damn Spacey.
...and here I was thinking you WERE wearing Brad's hair... just not on your head...
Oh and it's 'Se7en', not 'Seven'.
Sorry, I get naggy about movie stuff.
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