Here are some of the most severe crimes against fashion, from the archives.

It is a little-known fact that if two dark haired men stand next to each other, one will absorb all the other's hair pigmentation. But it's something everyone should know, so they can avoid disasters like this. If, as shown here, you and your friend don't want to be victims of looking like a block of white chocolate next to a block of dark chcolate, don't stand too close together. And certainly don't dress like a ghostbuster.
In fact, you won't have a problem after that. Dressing like a ghostbuster is the kind of fashion crime you'll get 20 years to life for. So you'll always be separated by perspex now, which is the safest option.

On the upside, Adidas will pay you not to wear their stuff.

If you have a bald patch, do not style your hair to accentuate it. It is not a solar panel for a sex-machine. It does not make you look intelligent. It does not make you look like a hippy. It does not make you look like a surfer. It does not make you look like there are more important things in your life than how your hair looks

Burn it, please burn it! Before our eyes are assaulted further!

Pimps, especially, are very offended.

Floral maternity shirts are not attractive. At all. Even if you are at Mardi Gras. Really, with all those gay men and drag queens about, you'd think one would have at least pointed out your fashion faux pas.
I'm going to hope, for your sake, that you are there to spread the word of safe sex, and that smiley face mock is full of condoms. Otherwise, take it off right now, throw it under the nearest float, and be done with it. I don't even care if it's got your phone inside. That kind of thing needs to be disposed of immediately.
There's a reason your friends are drinking a lot. They want their vision blurred so it can't focus on that monstrosity of a shirt.

Shorts like that are only good if you never want children. Aside from the fact that they severely restrict bloodflow to your testicles, no woman will ever want to shag you. That may sound cruel, but think of it as a public service announcement. Not that we really want the kind of people who wear yellow nut-crushers to procreate anyway. It could destroy society as we know it.
Now, what have we learned today?
Stay tuned. Tomorrow, I show you a beanie that can come alive and suck your whole head into its brown, woollen mouth.
ooooh this post really cracked me up...brilliant!
Chooken, this is hilarious!!! :-D You're brilliant! I haven't read something this funny in ages ;-D Kasia88
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