Right, so, onto single number 3.

This is the beautiful cover for Flying Without Wings. Yes, again they are keeping with the black and white theme. In fact, the video consists of two different outfits: the one on the cover, and the exact same outfit in white. Yep. And they're in a space ship. Or something. It's got hallways and weird lighting and crap, so I'm going to say it's a space ship.
Kian's got his arms out again. This, I believe, is because he thinks he has good arms. He does not. He also thought he was a body builder at the time. He was not. He was a skinny, short, 19 year old boy with a really thick neck and strategically placed fat that gave him the illusion of pecs and biceps. When in fact he had man-boobs and dinner lady arms.
Nicky has stripes on his shirt. This probably has something to do with the spaceship. Maybe astronauts wear stripy skin-tight v-necks. I don't know. It's probably something they teach you in Astronaut school.
The clouds are pretty. They might signify flying. You know, that stage before you break through the atmosphere and begin to orbit. Westlife do not have wings. They are Flying Without Wings. Go figure.
Fantastic song this. Just fantastic. This is the single that got them into the mainstream market and away from all those mental ten-year-olds that have decided they're ready for marriage already (as long as Shane's going to be their husband). Which is pretty amazing, considering the cover. But it is a pretty awesome song. Fantastically awesome, even. As stated before, I wish I could figure out how to put an audio on my blog, but I can't. So I won't.
There were two b-sides. One is called Everybody Knows and has a really really cool intro strings part. It's kind of a midtempo ballad. It's not bad. The other is called That's What It's All About, and is not good. It's not bad either, but, well, it's not good. It's what Together Girl Forever would be if it was speeded up: kind of awkward and cute, but not exactly great. It makes me dance, but I'd rather people didn't know that. Good thing this isn't on the internet.
Notice that they've put Bryan's feet really far down and his head's still hovering above the others. You might think he's massively tall, but he's only six foot. Now what does this say about the others?
Now, as I tackled this in the If I Let You Go review, I'd like to add that they aren't walking in this picture either, no matter what it looks like. I know this because I have a video of the photo shoot. They are standing, and then they fall over. But you don't get to see that here. It's really hard to pretend you're walking when you aren't. Try it sometime.
Go on, try it. And then take a photo and send it to me. I like a good laugh as much as the next person.
You're quick!
But no, I don't like Westlife. They just amuse me with their walking-like poses, matching outfits and bad haircuts. I don't even have any of their music on my computer, and I have quite a bit of embarassing music on my computer.
I bet I have more embarrassing music than you. Even if you don't count Westlife.
Come on, what's the most embarrassing song you have? I dare ya!
I don't know about just one song, but I own (yes own) the Hanson Christmas album. Can you top that?
I also own the Hanson Christmas album. And I only got it recently, so it isn't even a childhood relic! Ha!
Hmm... I have Nick Lachey's solo album. And I still listen to all my old Spice Girls CDs. Oh, and the last CD I bought was... *drumroll*... Girls Aloud.
And remember Boyzone? Remember how Ronan Keating went solo after Boyzone? Well, what you probably don't remember is that one of the others also went solo after Boyzone. He had no hit singles. I have his album, and I... LOVE IT!
Ok, I think you win. I got the Hanson cd for Christmas when I was like 11.
I still have a few Spice Girls songs on the old computee (I actually downloaded all their albums because I wasn't lucky enough to get them as a kid. Aw...). Does having the sheet music to 'Viva Forever' count for anything? I also have the Hanson video.
Is this a competition I want to win, anyway?
Hmm... true. I'm actually proud of my bad taste in music... but I don't want to suck you into my whirlpool of dagginess. I'm not that cruel.
Sheet music for Viva Forever? Man, that's AWESOME!
Haha yeah, my mum bought it for me when it came out, but I couldn't play it back then because it has a trajillion flats or sharps.
Stephen Gately? He's gorgeous!
Me and a mate went halves on Rock Profile when we saw it in HMV in the UK, but she's still got it so I haven't seen it yet! *cries*
Shaq? Nice one! That's pretty awful!
I have Afroman's Because I Got High, but that's not that bad. I still listen to B*Witched and 5ive. Oh, and Atomic Kitten. And I saw the Backstreet Boys live this year.
...I have Bardot...
Bardot? I still dig some of their songs. I liked Poison (yes, I know, shame on me), and I Should Have Never Let You Go, and These Days. I also liked some stuff off their second album, but I don't have any of it.
I don't even know where my copy of the first album is. I've got some of the songs on my computer, though.
Nope, always been a complete pop freak. The first CD I ever bought myself was Aqua's 'Aquarium' album, if that gives you any idea.
My mum says I need to grow up. I say "that's nice" and then ignore her.
I have Aquarium too! The two-disc thing with remixes and that.
Teehee... Aquarium was awesome. Dr Jones, Barbie Girl, and Lollipop are still standards at every party I throw.
Apparently saving up $10,000 to go to Ireland and see some Westlife concerts is childish and irresponsible. I call it being driven, and going after what I want. It's pretty fucking hard to save up 10 grand in 8 months.
This Japanese businessman tried to buy Shane's house for his Westlife obssessed daughter, including everything in it (memorabilia, awards, clothes...).
It was Shane's dream house. He built it from the ground up for him and his wife. To paraphrase, his reply to the Japanese bloke was:
"Fuck no!"
The Sultan Of Brunei hired them for a performance as well.
I am not rich.
You really are driven. That's a lot of money!
Grace Suter said...
I took two jobs and didn't spend any of the money.
Then when I came home I blew the grand that was left on all the stuff I wanted before I went away but couldn't buy.
I have SO many new DVDs and PC games now. Squeeee!
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