The cover keeps with the lazy theme, but updates it slightly, bringing in casual denim and t-shirts, while they all lounge about on those very comfortable looking stone steps. There's some red and blue on a Westlife cover for the first time in ages and it's a welcome addition to the usually sombre catalogue.
The b-sides are more self-written triumphs, featuring I Won't Let You Down, a wonderfully circular two-part tennis-match between Bryan and Mark, the vocal parts passed back and forth with beautiful ease. Singing Forever, the second b-side, is less successful but holds its own well. The lyrics are delightfully slashy, with Shane's husky crooning lighting up the second verse. Mark, however, lets the team down with a nasal, creaking first verse that almost hurts the ears. Still, both songs do have very strong points and complement the main track beautifully. It also comes with the video for Tonight and a short 'making the video' clip.
I think this is another one where I'm going to have to add the clip. Enjoy. And I'll be out having fun while I should be studying. Which is what all good uni students do anyway.
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